Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Raves: Charlie Huston's Twitter Feed

Thought I'd let all of you out there know about Charlie Huston's latest Twitter experiment. If you're unaware, the novelist/comic scribe periodically uses Twitter as a means to release an original story (I'm not exactly sure what to call it -- novella and short story don't seem entirely appropriate) that he began on June 28th. Recently, he posted a bunch of 140-character sets at once to finish it up. For the last story, he did a single tweet almost daily. I suspect it'll be a little while until he starts another, but I can't wait until he does.

Just go to his Twitter page, click on MORE until you can't any longer, and start reading up. Definitely the most interesting use of Twitter I've heard of.

Free crime fiction. Thank you, sir.
Also, the good folks at Amazon sent me Huston's newest novel, My Dead Body, to me this week. It's the final Joe Pitt Casebook, so I want to savor it and have been waiting until I'm not exhausted before starting it. Look for a review soon.

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